Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Record Immigration Will Fundamentally Transform the United States

The United States can expect legal immigration levels to exceed the 1880 – 1920 era.  The next decade will see a tidal wave that will eclipse the populations of South Carolina, Iowa and New Hampshire combined.  That is over 10 million people.  Do you think this could fundamentally transform the United States?  You’re damn right it will.

Many of these immigrants come from third world countries and have no intention of assimilating.  Peoples whose culture and religion have been historically hostile towards Western civilization will become our neighbors. An estimated 6 million Muslims will inhabit the country by 2030.  

What can we expect from a hostile “religion” that preaches eternal warfare on the infidels?  Recently, we had our military personnel targeted and killed by a Muslim fanatic in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  A recent FBI report issued a warning to the wives of husbands serving in our armed forces.

Approved for Release: 02 July 2015

SIR Number: SIR-00018733294


 (U//FOUO) Middle-Eastern Males Approaching Family Members of US Military
Personnel at their Homes in Colorado and Wyoming, as of June 2015.

SOURCE: (U) An officer of another law enforcement agency.

(U//FOUO) In May 2015, the wife of a US military member was approached in front of her home by two Middle-Eastern males. The men stated that she was the wife of a US interrogator. When she denied their claims, the men laughed. The two men left the area in a dark-colored, four-door sedan with two other Middle-Eastern males in the vehicle. The woman had observed the vehicle in the neighborhood on previous occasions.

(U//FOUO) Similar incidents in Wyoming have been reported to the FBI throughout June 2015. On numerous occasions, family members of military personnel were confronted by Middle-Eastern males in front of their homes. The males have attempted to obtain personal information about the military member and family members through intimidation. The family members have reported feeling scared.

(U//FOUO) To date, the men have not been identified and it is not known if all the incidents involve the same Middle-Eastern males. If you have any information that may assist the FBI in identifying these individuals, or reporting concerning additional incidents; in Colorado please contact the FBI Fort Collins Resident Agency at 970-663-1028, in Wyoming please contact the FBI Cheyenne Resident Agency at 307-632-6224.

(U) This report has been prepared by the DENVER Division of the FBI. Comments and queries may be

Is this the new normal in today’s America?


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