Saturday, September 24, 2016

Muslims Turn Communities into a Dumpster Fire

Democrats can take pride that their president is fundamentally transforming the United States into a third world hellhole.  Small towns are being flooded with illegal aliens and refugees who have no intention of becoming Americans; instead, citizens are told to shut their racist, xenophobic pie holes.  Well, some of us are not going to shut up.  We do not accept this vision of a multicultural dumpster fire that is pushed over top of us by an elite political class that hides behind gated communities and armed guards.

A North Dakota man said as much.  The Forum published his letter to the editor.  And as you can expect, libtards are offended by the naked truth.

So ... a Somalian stabs 10 people in St. Cloud, and The Forum runs a bleeding-heart article expressing concerns about Americans targeting Muslims?!

If a country is a dumpster fire, it is a dumpster fire because of the attitudes and beliefs of its people. If you move those people somewhere else, what are they going to do except turn their new country into a dumpster fire?!

These people refuse to assimilate, refuse to adopt American beliefs. Their Sharia Law is in direct opposition to the US Constitution.

North Dakotans (the Americans who built this state) are SCREAMING for Lutheran Social Services to be shut down, only to be told by their supercilious, self-righteous director that we must be 'tolerant'.

These immigrants have robbed our gas stations, harassed our women, and made necessary the policing of once-peaceful public parks. Women wearing Islamic headgear belong in a Discovery Channel documentary about war-torn countries, not North Dakota. The director of Lutheran Social Services needs to be put on trial as a criminal accessory.

Islam has no place in the West ... nor does the liberalism that aids and abets it.

Moser lives in West Fargo.


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