Tuesday, September 26, 2017

GOP Waste Another Opportunity in CNN Health Care Debate

Last night, CNN hosted a debate on Obamacare, and as expected, they paraded out a bunch of victims demanding socialized medicine.  I can think of a few who understood that the federal government is responsible for the high cost of insurance and outrageous deductibles.  Most, including the hosts, pined for “free stuff.”

Senator Bernie Sanders led the charge for a single-payer system with the usual bumper sticker slogans with little to no thought.  He decried that it was easy to beat up on the federal government, but thought nothing about demagoguing insurance and pharmaceutical companies.  His performance was what I expected from a brainless socialist.

However, Senator Lindsey Graham was a disappointment.  I could not believe he spouted the liberal mantra that insurance companies are making record profits.  My mouth dropped open as he went down this road.  How long has this fool been a politician?  Bernie Sanders practically jumped out of his chair.  He couldn’t believe his luck.

I have a question for these two morons, if insurance companies are making record profits, then why are they leaving the exchanges? Hell, most are getting out of the business, altogether. And why are they demanding bailouts?  Why do 45% of the counties in this country have one insurance company if they’re making record profits?  The answer should be obvious.

The two Democratic senators, along with the hosts, bemoaned the Republican health care plans trillion dollar reduction in Medicaid funding.  They bewailed the prospect of 30 million people leaving the Medicaid plantation and buying their own insurance.  A disabled woman wondered what was going to happen to her.

First of all, Medicaid was established to service the poor and disabled.  But now they’re getting substandard service because the middle-class, who can no longer afford insurance,  qualify for this government program.  The Democrats have succeeded in destroying the middle-class. Congratulations, yahoos.

Neither Sens. Graham or Cassidy articulated the viewpoint that the Democratic Party created health insurance cartels where a few monopolize the industry.  They didn’t use this opportunity to educate the American people about the difference between health insurance and actual health care cost.  This would have been a perfect opportunity to demonstrate that Medicare is responsible for the high cost of health care and that a third party payer system has distorted the market.

Sens. Cassidy and Graham made some strong arguments for passage of their bill.  But when you’re dealing on an issue that is as emotional as this, you have to do a better job.


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