Monday, October 2, 2017

Americans Need Nation-Wide Libtard Control

The ghouls just couldn’t wait.  The usual suspects wasted no time dancing around the dead in Las Vegas while singing their hymnals of gun control.  The priests and priestesses from the High Church of Libtard would have us believe guns are responsible for committing mass murder.  Their bumper sticker gospel may seduce the weak and stupid, however, we need to expose their religion.

I have a question.  What do all these mass murderers have in common besides shooting innocent people?  I’ll tell you.  Everyone of them are godless and evil.  They are nihilist who believe in nothing.  Had they respect for themselves and their fellow man, these atrocities wouldn’t have happened.

These kinds of mass murders hardly ever happened prior to the 90’s.  I can think of the Texas tower shooting in 1966 and that is it.  Prior to that, I can’t think of one.  This kind of evil is unique to our time.

Progressives say they want a conversation about the source of these atrocities.  Believe me, they want no part of that.  The simple fact is they’re afraid we might expose them as the source for all this evil and outright absurdity.  They’re afraid Americans will begin to wonder how we as people have forsaken our history and culture as a Christian nation.  If we truly were to have a conversation about the source for all this evil, the American people would demand nation-wide libtard control.

We need to emphasize the fact that progressives have successfully transformed our country into a godless hellhole.  They have taken Christ out of our schools and the public square.  They accomplished this by bastardizing our history, language and the Constitution itself.  Recently, Chuck Todd from Meet the Press, stated Judge Roy Moore doesn’t have a fundamental understanding of the First Amendment because he believes our rights come from God and not the federal government.  Chuck Todd is the one who doesn’t have a basic understanding of our Constitution.

Anyone who studies American history cannot detach the moorings of the Christian faith from its people. Progressives may have anesthetized a couple of generations from our birthright, but they cannot erase our past; it is there for the truth seeker.  For example, in 1890, a conference was held on the question of freedmen.  Judge Albion W. Tourgee, a radical Republican and ardent abolitionist, believed the United States was a Christian nation.  Here is what he had to say about the issues of his day:

God keeps account between nations and peoples as well as between man and man.  History is but a record of his judgement upon them.  The Negro is not only “here to stay,” but is here to offer the American Christian republic a chance to atone by justice in the future for the sin of the past, and thereby, escape the wrath of that God to whom a thousand years are but a day.  It is all very well to look to the future; but he who tries to separate it, from the past is as foolish as one who seeks to run away from his own shadow.  Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow are an eternal repetend.

And this from the same conference:

I trust I may be pardoned in advance if, in my remark, my religion and my politics should become not merely “mixed,” as Dr. [Lyman] Abbott feared that his might, but even if it should appear that my religion is mostly politics; for I trust it will also become apparent that my “politics” is not altogether at odds with what we term “religion.”  I confess I have never been able to distinguish between them.  Without religion, politics is simply a hot-bed of iniquity, the stamping-ground of devilish impulse; and, without politics, religion is as dead as “faith without works.”  When Christianity quits the field of political relation or politics discards the tenets of Christian philosophy, I have little use for either.

Progressives could use more Christian philosophy.  It’s disturbing when they refuse to show sympathy for those who were slain by a godless maniac.


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