Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Lawless Judge Imposes Lawless DACA on American People

Why am I uncomfortable about Washington D.C. reforming of our immigration laws?  Everything I’ve read so far has demonstrated our so-called representatives are not serious about stopping this third-world invasion.  Congress has the necessary tools to protect our country, but they are too damn feckless and cowardly to implement them. 

If we’re to have real immigration reform, Congress must deal with a branch of government that is largely responsible for legitimizing illegal aliens.  For example, a federal judge just ruled that an unlawful edict by President Obama must be reinstated.  Here is an excerpt from the Washington Times:

A federal judge in New York ruled Tuesday that the government must fully restart the Obama-era DACA deportation amnesty and accept brand new applicants as well as renewals, throwing a potential wrench in the ongoing debate over the fate of “Dreamers” on Capitol Hill.

Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis said the administration does have the power to revoke DACA, but it must give a sound reason for doing so — and the Homeland Security Department’s September 2017 rationale fell far short of what is required in that regard.

He even used Mr. Trump’s own tweets as evidence that the DACA program was ended precipitously, pointing to President Trump's claims that he could “revisit this issue” as proof the program could have been continued.

Judge Garaufis is the second federal judge to rule Mr. Trump’s aides bungled the phaseout — but his decision is the most wide-ranging, ordering the government to not only allow those already in the program to renew their applications but also ordering the government to accept new applications.

This judge just demonstrated that Congress has no legislative role when it comes to immigration and naturalization and that our current president is forbidden to enforce existing laws.  Need we remind these judges that DACA is not a law, but rather an edict promulgated by a megalomaniac with a pen and phone?

If we're to save our nation and the rule of law, Congress has to reactivate Article III which specifically defines the court’s original jurisdiction and that all appellate considerations are to be regulated by Congress; therefore, our elected representatives have the authority to declare federal judges have no jurisdiction when it comes to illegal aliens and immediate deportation is warranted upon arrest.  Foreign nationals who come into this country without authorization are not afforded due process. 

Sceptics will say, the 14th Amendment states otherwise.  No it doesn’t!  Section V specifically states Congress shall enforce the provisions in this article; not a black-robed thug with a messianic complex.

If Congress were circumspect, they would learn from the mistakes of Simpson - Mazzoli.  And one of those mistakes was allowing the federal judiciary to run roughshod over our immigration laws.        


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