Sunday, April 8, 2018

Democrats Bet Electoral Success on Stalking Horses

Democrats have found a winning template that pretty much repudiates their party’s platform, but falls in line with their deceptive character. The formula is to find candidates who served in the military, profess to be fiscally responsible and believe in the Constitution of the United States while at the same time nebulous on issues that might alarm conservative voters. Basically, Democrats are in search of Connor Lamb clones.

This Sunday’s Charlotte Observer, both on the front page and editorial section, practically lap danced on one of these clones. Dan McCready is thirty-four years old, local, served in the Marines, and an Eagle Scout; yet, somehow he’s a libtard. Go figure.

The “uptown” wine and cheese crowd love this guy. They make no bones about their intent of wheeling this Trojan horse into a conservative district. Here is an excerpt from an op-ed by Taylor Batten extolling this grand deception:

Former Bank of America chief Hugh McColl stood in the Belks’ living room at that March fundraiser, and extolled McCready’s service as a Marine. McColl’s own time in the Marines, and his pride in it, is legendary, so he spoke authoritatively about how the experience would help McCready in Congress.

That was fitting because McCready, like several other congressional candidates around the country, is emphasizing his stint in the military (he led two platoons in Iraq in 2007-08) as a big part of his centrist, country-first persona. It worked for Conor Lamb, a 33-year-old Democrat who won last month in a Pennsylvania district that Donald Trump had carried by 20 points.

It’ll work for Nancy Pelosi too as she shoves her radical anti-American agenda down our throats. Connor Lamb, Dan McCready and their ilk are stalking horses who’ll claim ignorance while the Marxist in leadership trample over the Constitution just like they did in 2008 - 2010.

McCready, just like Lamb, is well funded. He has a war chest of $1.2 millon which far exceeds his primary opponent, Christopher Cano’s measley $46. Not bad for someone who just burst on the scene. I wonder if George Soros cut a check to this Manchurian candidate? I wouldn’t be surprised.

Mind you, Cano has name recognition. He won the 2016 Democratic primary by being true to a progressive agenda in a conservative district. The wine and cheese crowd, along with the Disturber, know this isn’t a winning formula. Cano has to go. The two articles along with their cartoon has made that abundantly clear.


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