Saturday, April 7, 2018

Democrats Disenfranchise American Citizens

Any time you hear Democrats lecturing the citizenry about an issue such as bullying or voter suppression, you can damn well bet that’s exactly what they’re doing. Only in the libtard world can Voter ID and gerrymandered districts be considered a conspiracy to disenfranchise black people. But if you want to know whose vote is truly being suppressed, all you have to do is look at our illegal alien problem and you’ll see it’s the American citizen.

Illegal aliens don’t have the right to vote, but their numbers are so large that they take congressional delegations away from law-abiding states. This allocation influences presidential elections by way of the Electoral College. Shouldn’t that be considered voter suppression? Am I missing something?

Then we have the added bonus of congressmen from these illegal alien districts advocating for more illegal immigration and using taxpayer largess to aid and abet these vocal diasporas. How is this not disenfranchising American voters? There is only one political party that benefits from this blatant devaluation of citizenship and that’s the Democrats.

There’s another element of devaluation and that is the demonization of our culture, traditions and history. If history were taught, students would recognize today’s Democrats mirror the methods of the Radicals in the 19th century. That maybe the reason history is gradually being phased out of our public education system.

Today’s radicals are mimicking their counterparts who instigated the War of Northern Aggression. There were Progressives back then who wanted to control and manipulate the population and the easiest way to do that was to disenfranchise the citizenry. Two years before the war was over, these radicals plotted hegemonic rule in the South. Part of that plan was to grant the franchise to illiterate freedmen while at the same time disenfranchising competent southerners who participated in the “rebellion.” Northern hegemony impoverished the South for generations well after the Great Depression.

In 1890, Governor Wade Hampton of South Carolina lamented this allowance of “so large a mass of ignorant voters” to control government was “a great crime against humanity, civilization, and Christianity.” He also stated the following:

In their senseless advocacy of universal suffrage, they not only thrown wide open the doors leading to American citizenship, admitting thus the Anarchist, the Communist, the Nihilist, and all the other scum of European nations, but they have injected into our body politic millions of ignorant, uneducated blacks, who have no more comprehension of our system of government than their African forefathers had.

The endgame is the same, Progressives are in the process of replacing the citizenry with people who’re more compliant to their worldview. Life, liberty and property are meaningless to people who have no understanding of the American creed and the responsibility that comes with it.  And that's the very definition of a Democratic Party voter.


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