Saturday, April 7, 2018

Republicans Ignore Ghosts of Elections Past

It never ceases to amaze me how Beltway Republicans continuously delude themselves. Here we are looking at a possible blue wave and these yahoos can’t comprehend the reasons why. The ghosts of 2006 are wailing and moaning and shaking their chains hoping to attract the attention of these unprincipled waifs. Even Scrooge had a clue after the third visitation. Does the GOP really need a second?

If Republicans lose the House, the blame rightfully falls on leadership. Conservatives need to disabuse themselves of the notion that the rank and file are responsible for the failings of Speaker Ryan and his coterie of establishment hirelings.That $1.3 trillion omnibus package was thrust upon Congress without notice or even a debate.

So, the first ghost of elections past had to do with unprincipled spending. What about the second? Well, that spook has to do with illegal immigration. Again, Republicans refuse to fund a border wall, or show any leadership when it comes to cracking down on cities and politicians who aid and abet illegal aliens. Instead, they insist on “comprehensive immigration reform” which translates into amnesty. How many politicians have died on that hill? Apparently, not enough.

And finally the third and fatal ghost of elections past are Democrats acting like conservatives. How many times are we going to allow this Trojan horse into the House chamber? We’ve already witnessed this in a number of special elections already. Can anyone say Alabama and Pennsylvania? How can Republicans allow these shapeshifters to gain a toehold in red districts? Could it possibly be that leadership is afraid that they might expose these candidates as nothing more than tools of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer? Wait a minute, wouldn’t that expose Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McConnell?  It all starts to make sense now.

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