Are you feeling the love Tea Partiers? Jimmy “the thug” Mafia – I mean Hoffa, calls for a war against we Sons of Bitches who apparently are trying to screw the American working people (as though none of us work for a living) and Maxine Waters want to escort us to hell. And hey, let’s not forget the accusation that we want to bring back slavery and hang black people from trees. Wow, when did that become part of the platform?
Now, the Libtards have a new video game to vent their frustrations on. Instead of beating, biting and disfiguring us limited government, free market, Constitution loving zombies that threaten their freeloading, authoritative, condescending world view; they can fantasize about killing us out right.
The only problem I see with this video is that guns are used. I thought the Libtards hated the Second Amendment? Maybe, they should kill the Tea Party Zombies with a condom covered cucumber, or maybe the screeching sounds of Rosie O’Donnell, Joy Behar, or some other brain dead Libtard. Wait a minute, who’s the zombies?

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