The Charlotte Disturber reports:
Vince Coakley, the former WSOC (Channel 9) anchor who last June followed Tara Servatius in WBT’s afternoon slot, will work through June 19. “We won’t be renewing Vince’s contract,” said Carl East, WBT’s program manager.
Krantz joined WBT in 1999 and was teamed with Richard Spires, an outspoken Libertarian. Their show was canceled in 2003.
Whitmire helped with comedy bits on their WBT program, doing voices like Strom Thurmond’s.
“It’s difficult to put into words just how happy I am to be returning to WBT after nine years, but let me try, in as simple a way as possible – it’s great to be home again,” Krantz said in a statement.
East said their new show will be a departure from the heavy political menu WBT has been serving for more than a decade in the afternoon.
“They’re not going to be 100 percent politics,” he said. “They’re going to be a lot more fun. We’ve tried these political shows for a long time, but we need to appeal to a wider audience.”
All I have to say is thank God for 1660 AM. I no longer have to listen to the insipid musings of Keith Larson in the morning. Glenn Beck is far more informative and entertaining. And with the departure of Vince Coakley, I will go back to listening to Sean Hannity.
The one moneymaker that WBT has is Rush Limbaugh. I wonder how long it will take the geniuses who run this station to screw that up.
Vince Coakley, the former WSOC (Channel 9) anchor who last June followed Tara Servatius in WBT’s afternoon slot, will work through June 19. “We won’t be renewing Vince’s contract,” said Carl East, WBT’s program manager.
Krantz joined WBT in 1999 and was teamed with Richard Spires, an outspoken Libertarian. Their show was canceled in 2003.
Whitmire helped with comedy bits on their WBT program, doing voices like Strom Thurmond’s.
“It’s difficult to put into words just how happy I am to be returning to WBT after nine years, but let me try, in as simple a way as possible – it’s great to be home again,” Krantz said in a statement.
East said their new show will be a departure from the heavy political menu WBT has been serving for more than a decade in the afternoon.
“They’re not going to be 100 percent politics,” he said. “They’re going to be a lot more fun. We’ve tried these political shows for a long time, but we need to appeal to a wider audience.”
All I have to say is thank God for 1660 AM. I no longer have to listen to the insipid musings of Keith Larson in the morning. Glenn Beck is far more informative and entertaining. And with the departure of Vince Coakley, I will go back to listening to Sean Hannity.
The one moneymaker that WBT has is Rush Limbaugh. I wonder how long it will take the geniuses who run this station to screw that up.
WBT has screwed up again. When will they learn? I won't be finding out 'cause I'm no longer a listener.
WBT Management are a bunch of politically correct bureaucrats!
They canned Katz, Servatius and now Coakley!?!?!
And they want to replace it with a program of "less politics and more fun"?
Adios WBT....I'm moving down the dial.
Jeff Katz was great ... so he was cut loose prematurely. Just like the guy who preceded him (can't remember his name, went to Minnesota). Vince Coakley is the most refreshing voice on radio, and that includes the national "super stars". So WBT cuts him loose. Pox on WBT Radio. I'm done with them. Will listen to Rush via internet. As for Vince, he has a great future. Wish he would run for Congress, Senate or Governor.
wbt is disgusting. the only reason I listened to their radio station is Vince Coakley and Keith. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. I WILL NO LONGERT LISTEN AFTER HE'S GONE. LIBERAL FOOLS
All management had to do was
schedule Mr. Coakley's vacation
time over the Labor Day vacation.
Heaven forbid that the DNC guests
should hear a black man criticizing
Obama. The station will lose
a lot of its loyal listeners.
I'll have to say I really didn't care for Vince on WSOC, maybe just jealousy of a young black man (who seemed a little arrogant to me) who was hob-nobbing with all those good-looking female anchors. But on radio, he really found his groove, was outstanding,and seemed liked by most every one. BUT WHAT A WHIMP MR. EAST AND WBT MGMT ARE!!I believe the one responder hit the nail on the head. WBT 1110 just couldn't take the heat of having a black man critizing Obama with the DNC coming to town!! Don't give me that bull about money or popularity. I'll bet my wages Vince is as popular with the Conservative audience WBT appeals to, as any of your other shows and rivals the afternoon host. And NO, this is not a "conspirious theory", it's just the fact of life in this case! Shame on you WBT for deserting your audience!
Yeah! Got my vote.
Vince will be missed...Sorry Malcolm but he told it like it really is...sometimes the truth does hurt.
Can't say I am surprised that the numb-nut management team at WBT pulled the rug from under Vince, they really don't want the truth being spoken unless it brings in REALLY big bucks like Rush. As for me, except for the noon to 3PM slot, I will never turn in again. Everything else is garbage. Rush needs to be informed by everyone to move over to 1610 AM. Vince... U-da_Man! Eric
WBT you just lost a everyday loyal listener. You crossed over.
Wait untill you see what CBS does with America's Talk 1660. We'll have no liberal bashing during the DNC.
WBT has lost me as well! iHeartradio.com and others are available through my smartphone, so other than the traffic and local weather, the reasons for me to listen jared no longer there....
Loved Coakley! Can't stand to listen to those guys who replaced him.No longer listen to WBT in the afternoon.Another black man out of work, thanks to the Democratics.
WBT has lost 2 loyal listeners. We hear the liberal clap trap from the local news to the national news. WBT WAS a place where you could hear the truth. You have replaced a true Christian Conservation with an idiot who made fun of the 911 incident by making fun of 'Meet Me in the Stairway" with Richard Spires. "We reap what we sow". We will never listen to your station again!
WBT has caved to the left wingers!I now change the station after rush because the new show is total crap!
I listened to Spires and Krantz during their run on WBT and they were ok but I couldnt wait till you
got back to the conservative hosts again Katz, Servatious,Coakley ect were all worthy of staying on air.
The latest move is a VERY thinly veiled pander to the DNC. Mr. East
please go West!
Yep.. done with the WBT radio shuffle and your pandering to the liberal minority.. this move with Coakley was obvious, and these two yahoo's you have on now in evening drive, I gave them 2 weeks listening to be fair, but these guys really suck. No substance, not funny. Back to Surius Radio. PS.. only signed as anonymous because there is no other I'm affiliated with, not hiding behind my opinion
well I needed 30 minutes of traffic, thank you boomer and team ! so I suffered for about 35 minutes for the over the top, over and over routine !
Kats and cokely both did a very good job - jeff wasn't politically correct enough, tara was fine but too militant for charlotte you want laws enforced ? and vince, those brick buildings Arn't they really the body of Christ ?
in the bible belt anyhow ?
well I hope the management is happy, the tweedle dum and tweedle dee drivetime show - can't seriously be getting any callers
can you hear that repetitive rag on limbaugh
then a staff member has to "call and to talk about it"
boys it's called stichk, not s-t-i-c-k
and actually it's on a little bit more like STUMP
I listen to the Limbaugh program every afternoon at my office and was a big fan of WBT's 3:00-5:00 PM show when it featured insightful, thoughtful commentary from Tara and then Vince. Unfortunately, the obnoxious drivel spouted by the current hosts in that time slot is a waste of time so my channel leaves the 1110 position at three every day.
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