Saturday, October 7, 2017

2% of Counties Responsible for 51% of National Murder Rate

If the American people want a discussion on gun violence and murder, maybe we should focus on the areas and causations where it is prevalent.  Democrats would have us believe this is a nationwide problem, when in fact, 2% of the counties in this country are responsible for 51% of all murders.  Here is an excerpt from Zero Hedge:

The United States can really be divided up into three types of places. Places where there are no murders, places where there are a few murders, and places where murders are very common.

In 2014, the most recent year that a county level breakdown is available, 54% of counties (with 11% of the population) have no murders.  69% of counties have no more than one murder, and about 20% of the population. These counties account for only 4% of all murders in the country.

The worst 1% of counties have 19% of the population and 37% of the murders. The worst 5% of counties contain 47% of the population and account for 68% of murders. As shown in figure 2, over half of murders occurred in only 2% of counties.

We all know about Chicago, but what about California.  How does this libtard state compare to all others?  Again, Zero Hedge:

When you look at individual counties with a high number of murders, you find large areas with few murders. Take Los Angeles County, with 526 murders in 2014, the most of any county in the US. The county has virtually no murders in the northwestern part of the county. There was only one murder each in Beverly Hills, Hawthorne, and Van Nuys. Clearly, different parts of the county face very different risks of murder.

These high concentration of murders occur in liberal bastions. Is it any wonder Democrats want to turn this into a national problem when it’s their backyard causing all this woe and mayhem?


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