Monday, July 30, 2018

Chris Anglin, A Wannabe Emperor in a Black Robe

Earlier this month, I published a blogpost about a scumbag Democrat who’s trying to pass himself off as a constitutional Republican, so as to split the vote in a judicial race in North Carolina. Chris Anglin is his name and every Republican voter should remember the depths of deceit this low-life is willing to go.

Mr. Anglin has published an op-ed in the Charlotte Observer in an attempt to convince the rest of us he’s not a liberal plant trying to skew an election for his comrade, Anita Earls. So let’s critique what he’s written:

This has been a dizzying decade for North Carolinians. Nearly every day we have witnessed attacks on the rule of law and the checks and balances of our democracy at both the federal and state level.

Our legislature has governed like the emperor with no clothes since gaining super majorities. The only check to its overreach has been an independent judiciary, so judicial elections have been a frequent and repeated target of power grabs.

First, N.C. lawmakers eliminated public financing for judicial races, widening the door for big money influence on the courts.

Then they made us the first state in 100 years to make judicial races partisan, including the state Supreme Court. They rigged the ballot order to favor their candidate and eliminated the primary election for this year.

The role of an independent judiciary is not to put a check on the General Assembly. They are to apply the laws that are passed by our elected representatives. An independent judiciary does not mean judges can do as they damn well please. Does this sound like a constitutional Republican to you? It doesn’t to me.

By the way, I applauded the defunding of judicial races. I don’t want my hard earned tax dollars aiding and abetting my political enemies. I also applauded the outing of judicial candidates. I want to know their political philosophy.  However, Mr. Anglin doesn't care what voters think.  He wants to put a check on our elected representatives.

They have openly expressed a desire to do away with judicial elections altogether and to give the legislature the power to control all judicial seats.

They passed six unneeded, misleading constitutional amendments that will harm voting rights, and strip power from the executive and judicial branches of government. There is nothing transparent, nor conservative about this. It’s just bad governing, putting party and power over the people.

Expressing a desire is not the same thing as doing. Don’t you just love the fact that he’s concerned about stripping power away from the executive and judicial branches when that’s exactly what Mr. Anglin wants to do to the legislative branch! What an astonishing lack of introspection.

As for these constitutional amendments, they have to be approved by the voters of North Carolina. I thought liberals - ahem - believed in democracy. Oh, and what is this blurb about voter rights? Does Mr. Anglin have a problem with voter I.D.? Why that’s not very constitutional Republican of him. Here is the last piece of nonsense written by this fraud.

North Carolinians have a chance to get off this dizzying ride. They can stand up for an independent judiciary and the checks and balances of our democracy by defeating all six unneeded, misleading Amendments, and by electing lawmakers and judges who will fight for the rule of law, not undermine it. I’m confident they will make the right choices.

And if we don't, I'm sure Mr. Anglin and his liberal buddies will find an activist judge to rule these amendments unconstitutional.  We've been down this road before.  This guy isn't fooling anyone.

Mr. Anglin is a fraud.  He doesn’t believe in the rule of law, democracy or a representative republic. Does he not understand that lawmakers make the laws? The only people who can undermine the laws are judicial activist. This guy doesn’t have a concept of how our system of government works. He referred to our elected representatives as emperors without clothes. First of all,there can only be one emperor and if Chris Anglin gets his way, that emperor will wear a black robe.


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