Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Welcome to Hotel Blue State

Welcome to Hotel Blue State: You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. That pretty much sums up the mentality of liberals no matter where you live. These people are a bunch of busybodies who aren’t content unless they’re forcing their values onto everybody else. And if you believe you can escape their self-righteous dictates, you’ve got another think coming.

For instance, Illinois is developing a scheme to destroy the value of their citizens property by raising taxes so high, they can’t afford to leave. Rush Limbaugh summed it up best:

Furthermore, you would not be able to escape this by selling your house and leaving. You know why? You’re not gonna be able to sell your house. Nobody’s gonna buy your house in Chicago with this kind of taxation on it.

And the people that come up with these rules — this is the reasoning from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. “New taxes wouldn’t affect people thinking of moving to Illinois. While they would have to pay higher property taxes, that would be offset by not having to pay as much for their new homes. In addition, current homeowners would not be able to avoid the new tax by selling their homes and moving because home prices should reflect the new tax burden quickly.”

In other words, they fully expect the value of you in Chicago and Illinois who own your homes, the value of those homes to plummet with the application of these new property taxes. So people arriving in the state are gonna be able to afford your house because you’re gonna have to practically give it away, which means you’re gonna lose every bit of equity and wealth you have in your house if you try to sell it and leave.

And if you are able to escape a blue state hellhole, Progressives will use the courts to force their values onto the rest of the country. Illegal immigration, auto emissions, obamacare, environmental standards, it doesn’t matter, they’re going to make damn sure no one escapes their utopian worldview. The Washington Examiner published an article that outlined California’s nefarious schemes. Here is an excerpt:

Federalism has traditionally been a shield, protecting states from an overreaching federal government. But California’s blue-state bully federalism is more like a sword, trying to prod others into following its world view. States are required to give “full faith and credit” to the public acts, records, and court declarations of other states, according to Article IV of the Constitution. If not violating the letter of that law, California certainly disrespects and dishonors its spirit.

People will argue the auto emissions controversy both ways, but the larger story deserves attention as well. When a state sues the federal government 39 times in 19 months, something bigger is going on. In this case, California is trying to impose its own blue-state policies on immigration, civil rights, environmental standards, healthcare and more on the rest of the country wherever it can. That effort should be seen for what it is— a blue-state political power play, not a high-minded defense of federalism and states’ rights.

Progressives respect nothing if it doesn’t advance their agenda. Unfortunately, these totalitarians have fellow travelers in the judiciary who’ll do their bidding.




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