I read an editorial this morning by McClatchy CEO and president, Craig Forman about their well-earned designation as fake news distributors. He refuses to acknowledge, or understand, that his industry has been infiltrated by an army of left-wing advocates who have no regard for the tenets of journalism. Sure, he points to a handful of stories where they actually reported the truth, but that doesn’t make up for the bastardization of the news industry.
And that seems to be the general theme when it comes to liberals. They bastardize everything: news, marriage, sex, education, language, religion, politics, weather, economics; you name it they’ve bastardized it. They contaminate everything they touch.
So this brings us to another IPCC scam. Once again, we are told that the state of the planet is in dire straits due to man-made global warming. How many times have we heard this nonsense? How many times have they been wrong?
The Washington Times published an op-ed exposing another fraud this pseudo-governmental agency has foisted upon the world. Here is an excerpt:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate forecasts were wrong from their earliest reports in 1990. They were so inaccurate that they stopped calling them forecasts and made three “projections”: low, medium, and high. Since then, even their “low” scenario projections were wrong.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change created an illusion of certainty about their science, and therefore their forecasts. They let people think that they study all causes of climate change when they only look at human-caused change. That is impossible unless you know and understand total climate change and the mechanisms, and we don’t. It allowed them to ignore all non-human causes of change, including the Sun.
One of the reasons the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change gets away with this is that almost no one reads the underlying science reports. Indeed, the “Final Government Draft” of the underlying science report, which appears on the IPCC Web site, even cautions the reader, “Do Not Cite, Quote or Distribute.”
So that's how they get away with it.
Hey, Craig Forman! If you want to repair your industries reputation, you can begin by exposing this corrupt organization called the IPCC.
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