Saturday, June 9, 2018

Obama's Sordid Iranian Deal Keeps Getting Worse

I believe our generation will never know the full extent of the Obama administration’s lies, deceit, corruption and outright betrayal of the American people. We are a year and a half out and reports are still coming out about the sordid and unlawful deals that were made with Iran.

Fox News’ Mark Thiessen outlined this whole nuclear deal with the Mullahs including the latest outrage and ended with this summary:

In other words, the Obama administration: (1) told Congress it would not allow Iran access to U.S. financial institutions; (2) issued a special license allowing Iran to do exactly that; (3) unsuccessfully pressured U.S. banks to help Iran; (4) lied to Congress and the American people about what it had done; (5) admitted in internal emails that these efforts "exceeded" U.S. obligations under the nuclear deal; (6) sent officials, including bank regulators, around the world to urge foreign financial institutions to do business with Iran; and (7) promised that they would get nothing more than a slap on the wrist for violating U.S. sanctions.

How bad is this? Remove the words "Obama" and "Iran" and replace them with "Trump" and "Russia" and imagine the outrage that would ensue over the same revelations. Democrats would be holding news conferences, and the story would be front-page news.

We hear a lot these days from the media about the danger of presidential lies. Well, when it comes to the Iran deal, the Obama administration took lying to new heights. And no, that's not Fake News

God forbid, we have another president like Obama.


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