Homeland Security has once again screwed up. The subversives who run this department
opened a wormhole for an unfettered invasion of our country. Last week, they gave asylum to a group called
“Dreamers 9.” Now a progressive
organization that advocates open borders is exploiting that decision. The Daily Caller reported the following:
“By the twisted logic of
the Dream 9 group, every person in the nation of Mexico can be an asylum applicant
everyone has some fear that cartel violence will effect their community.” he

“It will be very
interesting to see if the Obama administration is willing to come to grip with
reality and try to get off this slippery slope” caused by their asylum
policies, he said. “If they allow this asylum claim, it will redefine asylum to
make it virtually” limitless, he said.
Kobach also said that
the Dream 9 group has inspired
of other potential immigrants to follow suit.

“The word
gotten back to Mexico that this is a new tactic for getting into the United
States and getting released,” he claimed.

The open border movement
consists of progressives and business leaders
want of minimize border curbs that restrict the flow of Latinos, workers and
customers into the United States of America.

The pending Senate bill
goes partway towards that goal, by doubling today’s 1 million annual inflow of
immigrant workers and consumers, most of whom are low-skill and are likely to
vote Democratic. Overall, the bill would allow roughly 46 million people to
immigrate by 2033, according to estimates on the right and left.
The Dream 9 group’s
tactics have prompted a backlash from established progressive leaders, who say
it will embarrass Obama as he pushes for passage of a transformative
immigration bill.
I don’t believe anyone
in the Obama administration is capable of being embarrassed.
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