Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Durham Confederate Protesters are North Korean Sympathizers

It’s getting comical.  The information coming out about these protesters in Durham, North Carolina is reaching the arena of the fantastically absurd.  These so-called anti-fascist are North Korean sympathizers.  Here is an excerpt from the Daily Caller:

Taqiyah Thompson, a student at North Carolina Central University, was arrestedTuesday following a press conference in which she defended the actions of the demonstrators and equated police officers to Confederate soldiers and Ku Klux Klan members.

“I did the right thing,” she said. “Everyone who was there — the people did the right thing. The people will continue to keep making the right choices until every Confederate statue is gone, until white supremacy is gone. That statue is where it belongs. It needs to be in the garbage.”

Thompson is a member of the Worker’s World Party (WWP), a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist group originally formed in 1959 as a hard-line offshoot of the more moderate Socialist Workers Party. In addition to supporting a wide range of far-left causes, the group also defends the North Korean regime of dictator Kim Jong-un against alleged U.S. imperialism.

This is too good to be true.  The Worker’s World Party defends an oppressive regime that enslaves and starves its people while destroying monuments that purportedly glorifies the institution of slavery?  Unbelieveable!   


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