The EPA has been caught with their pants around
their ankles. This lawless organization has
been plotting to rape the American people by stealing their property through
regulatory means. Of course, like any
criminal organization, they deny any wrong doing. Fox
News reported the following:
A top House
Republican is charging that the Environmental Protection Agency secretly
drafted highly detailed maps of U.S. waterways to set the stage for a
controversial plan to expand regulatory power over streams and wetlands, a
claim the EPA strongly denies.
Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, chairman of
the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, released those maps on Wednesday, while firing
off aletter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy
voicing concerns over why they were created in the first place.
"These maps show the EPA's plan: to
control a huge amount of private property across the country. Given the
astonishing picture they paint, I understand the EPA's desire to minimize the
importance of these maps," he wrote, in the letter obtained by
But an EPA spokeswoman said the maps,
from the U.S. Geological Survey and Fish and Wildlife Service, do not depict
which waters are subject to EPA control.
"Let us be very clear -- these maps
have nothing to do with EPA's proposed rule or any other regulatory
purpose," Liz Purchia said, noting they were initially created years ago
and subsequently updated.
Yeah, and ask any mobster about their “family” and
they’ll tell you that criminal organization doesn’t exist.
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