Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Senator John Kerry's Favorite Pet: Big Government

Senator John F. Kerry, the man who would be king, has a tear in his beer over the animosity that has been brewing over the ridiculous spending in Washington D.C..  He is fretting over the incoming 112th Congress and what that means to his power:

"Do they want a government too limited to have invented the Internet, now a vital part of our commerce and communications?" he asked at one point.

That's funny, I thought that Al Gore invented the internet.

Kerry also argued that the government's bailout of U.S. auto companies was warranted, and said government-funded research programs should be spared.

"[Do they want a] government too small to give America’s auto industry and all its workers a second chance to fight for their survival? Taxes too low to invest in the research that creates jobs and industries and fills the Treasury with the revenue that educates our children, cures disease, and defends our country?"

As you can see Senator Kerry believes nothing can be done without Big Government.  And with the abounding successes of the Feds, I don't know why we aren't clamoring for a bureaucrat in every house.  Obviously, the private sector and local communities are so incompetent. It's amazing that we're able to put up a street sign.

And might I add that General Motors or should I say the UAW is a complete success.  What do you think will happen first:  GM pays back its debt, or they will ask for another bailout?  I betting on the latter.

Senator Kerry bemoaned our crumbling infrastructure as well.  Like they have done such a bang up job in the past.  Instead of fixing our roads and bridges, they funneled money to new projects.  Screw that gaping pothole, build that new recreational center that has my name blazoned on it. 

You guys in D.C. have been such great stewards.  It's a wonder why the American people want to take the checkbook away from you.

Source:  http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valley/technology/137195-sen-kerry-warns-against-government-too-limited-to-have-invented-the-internet

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