Well, surprise…surprise, the ACLU defends the Obama administrations outrageous power grab by framing this as a women’s health issue:
The ACLU has always been a strong advocate for religious freedom. For nearly a century we have defended the rights of all religious believers – from majority and minority faiths alike – to practice their religion. And to be clear, the rule does not require religious institutions like churches or synagogues that hire people of the same belief for the purposes of advancing that faith to purchase birth control coverage for their employees. Moreover, clergy remain free to espouse their beliefs, and individual women remain free to follow those beliefs or not, according to their own conscience. However, the fundamental promise of religious liberty in this country doesn’t create a right to impose those views on others, including ignoring civil rights laws or denying critical health care.
The ACLU has never been an advocate of religious freedom. If anything they have been antagonistic to all Christians' rights of free speech and religion by censoring their participation in the public arena. Now, this anti-American organization has become a cheerleader for a genuine violation of the First Amendment by the federal government.
Make no mistake, the ACLU is a totalitarian organization, hell bent on suppressing the freedoms of American Christians.

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