George Stephanopoulos personified the media’s collusion with the White House in a republican debate, when he brought up the question of contraceptives. Everyone who watched the debate was taken aback by this ridiculous inquiry. Who is talking about contraceptives? It was a purposeful deflection. And within a matter of days, Obama’s hounds targeted religious institutions with birth control mandates. Can the media be any more shameless? Why of course they can!
Rev. Franklin Graham went into the Devil’s den ostensibly to talk about Christians getting slaughtered in Muslim countries; instead, the MSNBC hell hounds did a bait and switch. These savage dogs accused Reverend Graham of questioning Obama’s faith. And it didn’t stop there. Local papers also picked up the cudgel. The Charlotte Observer in Charlotte, North Carolina ran three editorials denouncing the reverend, before they finally banished him to the netherworld of liberal ostracism.
Of course, Graham is part of a larger problem in our political discourse today. Demonization of those with differing political views, and casting them as un-American, has become de rigueur.
GOP presidential contender Rick Santorum started this most recent round of vilification of Obama with comments he made a few days ago in Ohio. He said Obama's political agenda is based on "some phony theology, not a theology based on the Bible." Santorum hastened to add that he wasn't criticizing the president's Christianity. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, also vying for the Republican presidential nomination, chimed in on Tuesday, calling Obama's energy policy "outrageously anti-American."
These are not too subtle xenophobic appeals. They are what should be dubbed un-American.
This country is dealing with significant problems. We need politicians - and religious leaders - committed to bringing us together to tackle them, not pushing us apart with irresponsible and false rhetoric.
News media are culpable too. We too often provide a platform for such nonsense when we don't have to, and elevate these inanities when our time is better spent in helping the public focus on more serious matters. We have a responsibility to the public and must do our jobs better.
As for Franklin Graham, the less the better - words he should try to live by.
The Charlotte Observer is correct: the media does need to focus on serious matters. But that won’t happen as long as they run blocker for the Democratic Party and their failed policies.
Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/02/21/3033915/graham-not-sure-if-obama-is-christian.html
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