Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Democrats Place Jackboot on Tea Parties Throat

Let’s disabuse ourselves of the notion that the Democratic Party represents the common man; that they are the advocates of the disenfranchised and middle class, when it is they – the Democrats - who are putting their jackbooted heels on the gasping throats of a people desperately trying to have their voices heard.

Seven senators have affixed their signatures to a missive that demands the Internal Revenue Service use their power and might to squelch the tea party. They are: Michael Bennett, Chuck Schumer, Al Franken, Jeff Merkley, Jeanne Shaheen, Tom Udall, and Sheldon Whitehouse. These totalitarians are using the might of the federal government to intimidate and instill fear amongst citizens, who have the audacity to stand up to their statist ambitions.

Here are their mugshots:

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