Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., told religious leaders testifying in Congress today that they were engaged in "shameful" acts of "political demagoguery" unworthy of their religious offices.
"I believe that today's hearing is a sham," Connolly told a panel of one priest, three pastors, and a Jewish rabbi during a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing today. "Here you are being asked to testify about your rights being trampled on -- an overstatement if there ever was one -- while you're on a panel, and your participation on the panel makes you complicit in of course the trampling of freedom, because we were denied, on this side of the aisle, any witness who might have a differing point of view. And I think that's shameful."
Rep. Gerry Connolly believes the First Amendment is a suggestion and not a right. How dare religious leaders stand up for their liberties and right of conscience? After all, this is a women’s health issue and that takes precedent over your Jesus juice. Don’t believe me? It’s outlined in the right of privacy clause. Where is the right of privacy clause? Why, it’s right there with Senator Harry Reid’s unicorn. Duh? Are you stupid?
It’s an outrage that women have to pay $9.00 a month for birth control. That kind of cost is outrageous. Who can afford that? Where would women be without advocates like Rep. Gerry Connolly? Probably in the streets turning tricks for birth control. Oh, the humanity!

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