Under the revised law, known as HB 658, all undocumented immigrants who appear in court for any violation of state law will find their names published on the official state website, along with the names of the judges assigned to their cases and the dispositions. It’s hard to imagine what useful purpose such information might provide other than to shame immigrants and to allow anti-immigrant groups to exert pressure on judges.
Another new provision requires the state’s Department of Homeland Security to compile an annual progress report updating the Legislature on how efforts to rid Alabama of illegal immigrants are coming along. That will make little difference in the life of most Alabamians, since less than 2 percent of the state’s residents are believed to be in the country illegally.
Since when did illegal aliens become Alabamians? Just because one resides in a state does not automatically confer citizenship. But that is what the communist at these rags would have you believe. To them illegal aliens are just undocumented immigrants entitled to the same rights and privileges as an American. Is it any wonder that we are in a state of decline, when no one values citizenship? And that is exactly the mentality of these communist who run these papers.
The shamelessness continues:
But state Sen. Scott Beason and state Rep. Micky Hammon chose to ignore the more moderate voices, including law enforcement groups and farmers, who rightfully worry that the law is harming, not helping, the state. Those fears are well-founded. Since the law was passed, growers have reported labor shortages that have led to rotting crops and financial losses.
Sadly, the Alabama Legislature once again proved itself incapable of embarrassment. How else can it say the revisions were needed to protect residents and save jobs? The only thing lawmakers and the governor achieved with HB 658 was to add another dark chapter to Alabama’s troubled history.

Now, mind you this editorial originated out of the Los Angeles Times. California has a history of illegals running roughshod over that state. And with an illegal trade comes illegal activity. And what could be more reprehensible than slavery? Alabama hasn’t had slaves since it was banned by the Thirteenth Amendment; yet, it continues on in states like California:
The Morales, both natives of the Philippines, pleaded guilty last May to conspiracy to harbor illegal aliens. The Morales, who operated four elder care facilities under the umbrella of “Four M’s, Inc.,” admitted that they recruited Filipino nationals to come to the United States with promises of work as live-in caregivers. A co-conspirator in the Philippines helped the aliens obtain fraudulent visas that allowed them to travel to the United States. After they arrived, “some of the aliens worked alone in 24-hour shifts…as caregivers at one of the Four M’s elder care residential facilities for less than minimum wage,” according to plea agreements filed in this case.
“All of the aliens lived in the care facilities, and some of the aliens slept in a closet, on a sofa, and in a walled-off portion of an unheated, attached garage.” The aliens’ pay was credited against the “debt” they purportedly owed, and the aliens were told that police or immigration authorities would be summoned if they attempted to leave.
“The victims in this case were rescued after a concerned member of the community reported the tragic working and living conditions to officials,” said Steven Martinez, Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office. “The FBI will continue to spread awareness by educating the community on how to identify the signs of labor exploitation, and urges the public to report suspected cases of illegal harboring or human trafficking.”
Liberals seldom take into consideration the ramifications of their actions. They’re too busy lecturing us, while betraying their community and country.
Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/05/29/3268221/alabamas-bad-road-on-immigration.html#storylink=cpy
The Morales, both natives of the Philippines, pleaded guilty last May to conspiracy to harbor illegal aliens. The Morales, who operated four elder care facilities under the umbrella of “Four M’s, Inc.,” admitted that they recruited Filipino nationals to come to the United States with promises of work as live-in caregivers. A co-conspirator in the Philippines helped the aliens obtain fraudulent visas that allowed them to travel to the United States. After they arrived, “some of the aliens worked alone in 24-hour shifts…as caregivers at one of the Four M’s elder care residential facilities for less than minimum wage,” according to plea agreements filed in this case.
“All of the aliens lived in the care facilities, and some of the aliens slept in a closet, on a sofa, and in a walled-off portion of an unheated, attached garage.” The aliens’ pay was credited against the “debt” they purportedly owed, and the aliens were told that police or immigration authorities would be summoned if they attempted to leave.
“The victims in this case were rescued after a concerned member of the community reported the tragic working and living conditions to officials,” said Steven Martinez, Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office. “The FBI will continue to spread awareness by educating the community on how to identify the signs of labor exploitation, and urges the public to report suspected cases of illegal harboring or human trafficking.”
Liberals seldom take into consideration the ramifications of their actions. They’re too busy lecturing us, while betraying their community and country.
Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/05/29/3268221/alabamas-bad-road-on-immigration.html#storylink=cpy
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