Obama’s media lapdogs are in hyper-hump mode. Every liberal news outlet has clasped onto the Anointed One’s leg in a furious attempt to get his poll numbers up. This naked partisan display is amusing to watch. We conservatives always knew these so-called professionals were just an unpaid arm of the Democratic Party. Now, they are openly advocating for their kindred communist. What is the latest meme? The same as the old meme: the war against women. That’s right those angry white men are trying to take birth control pills away from women. The Taliban have come to America!

We all knew something was up when the Clinton toady brought up the question of contraceptives in a Republican debate. What we didn’t see coming was a frontal assault on the Catholic church and the First Amendment. The Democrats artfully turned the debate from this piss poor economy and the infestation of corruption in the Obama administration to this canard. They have actually convinced some women that the Republicans are the ones obsessed with social issues.
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