The three Mexican-born immigrants interrupted a hearing Wednesday, wearing bright orange T-shirts that read “undocumented and unafraid.”
They yelled at House lawmakers for expressing anti-immigration stances. The eruption came not long after Republican state Rep. George Cleveland suggested that illegal immigrants bring crime to the state.
Court records show that Alberto was charged with assaulting a female in 2009 and convicted of driving while intoxicated in 2008. Other charges include speeding and driving without a license. But an organizer from NC Dream Team, an organization for undocumented young people, said that Alberto had turned his life around.
“We need to send a message out to our youth that are scared, ashamed, petrified to even drive a car,” said Viridiana Martinez.
In determining whether to hold a suspect for possible immigration action, ICE spokesman Vincent Picard said the agency looks at three priority factors: criminal record, recent border crossing and egregious or repeated immigration law violations, such as marriage fraud and serial border crossing.
Apparently, these illegals aren’t petrified and ashamed enough. But what do you expect when our own people don’t value their citizenship and allow interlopers to flagrantly violate our laws.
Source: http://www.newsobserver.com/2012/03/01/1897348/ice-wont-deport-2-of-3-who-disrupted.html#storylink=cpy
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