Take a look a Europe and see the problems they’re having with this alien culture. People are being killed for speaking the truth about Muhammad and his 7th century blood cult. Filmmakers have been killed. Cartoonists are under death threats. Free speech is under assault. And now it has come to the United States. World Net Daily and their employees have just been threatened by the Caliphate:
The email came today from Faarooq al Mohammedi, who has said he is working on behalf of the Muslim organization called United Muslim Nations International organization.
He initially contacted WND with a warning to take “extra precaution when publishing religiously sensitive material or in creating religiously sensitive suspicions about peoples (sic) religious beliefs and practices.”
He also warned in his original email that, “We would appreciate it if you could tighten your screening and moderation processes of articles to be published, any fake material published by WND will be taken as a breach of world news standards, religiously sensitive matters are to be based on solid and undeniable facts, failure to produce proofs of such published articles will give us no option but to bring about the complete removal of WND online as well as from the public in any print media.”
Contacted by WND at a telephone number in Africa, Mohammedi could cite no specific issues with WND’s reporting. Nor would he immediately provide information on how he has dealt with other media reports he’s found objectionable.
Instead, he promised to respond to WND by email with documentation about those cases.
Today, he contacted WND again, but not to provide documentation he had promised.
“Before I send you an example of how we dealt with other media outlets regarding Islamophobic and religiously racist content I would like to share with you our latest message from the global caliphate to the Muslim world; I’ve taken the time to have it translated for you in the attached,” Mohammedi’s email said.
“You see … there’s an easy and peaceful way in which people can come to terms based on common grounds of mutual respect and there’s the other way and it’s called silence,” he continued.
“I hope you will take the time to try and extract the value and much needed understanding from this communication. I have referred the matter of monitoring WND and it’s (sic) employees to our higher council of senior Ulama for instructions based on what we have found on the history of WND’s online activities.”
Welcome to Obama’s America. Isn’t the Islamic call to prayer the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset? Disagree? Well, you’d better keep quiet or else.
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