We shall never forget how the Democrats deceitfully manipulated data in order to sell this monstrosity. Even then, they were not successful. We knew they were selling us a bill of goods, and the Congressional Budget Office confirmed it last week. And every day we are finding out what is in Obamacare, as promised by Nancy Pelosi.
But it doesn’t end there. We have bureaucrats in the DHHS who have an open ended mandate that gives them the authority to issues directives without our consent. These Obamabots expect we citizens to tuck tail and OBEY.
Our founding fathers would be appalled at the attitude these D.C. politicians have curried over us. Our founders would have harkened to Montesquieu and warned these totalitarians of the road they are leading us down.
“There are two sorts of tyranny: a real one, which consists in the violence of the government, and one of opinion, which is felt when those who govern establish things that run counter to a nation’s way of thinking.”
And Obamacare runs counter to America’s principles and ideals.

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