Raising campaign cash in Maine on Friday, March 30, Obama said Republicans want to return to economic policies that would let Wall Street play by its own set of rules and allow insurance companies to roll back health coverage.
"We won't win the race for new jobs and new businesses and middle-class security if we cling to this same old, worn-out, tired 'You're on your own' economics that the other side is peddling," Obama said.
"It was tried in the decades before the Great Depression. It didn't work then. It was tried in the last decade. It didn't work," he said. "You know, the idea you would keep on doing the same thing over and over again, even though it's been proven not to work. That's a sign of madness."
Madness is taking this man’s word as gospel, and we all know what he thinks about Christians. Anyone with a modicum of curiosity would cast aside the progressive’s rewriting of history, and question why the Great Depression lasted as long as did. And if you’re going to be honest with yourself, one must question the policies of FDR and the New Deal.
It’s the New Deal era program, Fannie Mae that brought about the housing bubble and economic crash that we are currently suffering under. Was it not President Clinton who instigated the subprime market? And wasn’t it the Democrats in Congress that belligerently bullied regulators who tried to warn the American people about the abuses of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
Madness is ignoring history and trusting a self-serving politician whose policies are un-American.
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