Friday, August 1, 2014

Illegal Aliens Told Vote Democratic or be Deported

Many of us have asked ourselves why the Democratic Party is so adamant that voter ID shouldn’t be required at the polls.  Why are they suing States for wanting to safeguard the integrity of the vote?  A couple of film makers, Luke and Jo Anne Livingstone, have answered what many have suspected.

Western Journal reported the following:

Livingston wrote that, prior to the 2012 presidential election, “the illegals were handed voter registrations and told they would be sent to states with NO ID check for voting.”
Upon receipt of the document, she insists aliens were told that, if they “did not show up and vote the democratic [sic] ticket, they would be arrested and deported.”
This astoundingly bold move, she concluded, was used time and again to stack the electoral deck against Republicans in the election.

Let’s see, we have an illegal alien invasion which the Obama administration is aiding and abetting, while at the same time harassing states for implementing voter ID.  We have a conspiracy in the making.


H/T:  Free North Carolina

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